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EU finance ministers discuss labour mobility, EU budget, taxation and other issues at meeting that includes social partners

At an informal ECOFIN meeting on 6 April hosted by the Romanian Presidency of the EU, finance ministers discussed the Multi-Annual Financial Framework, the European Growth Agenda, and the transition to a climate neutral economy by 2050, as well as ways to modernise the taxation system for the 21st century and how to step up the fight against tax avoidance.

date:  11/04/2019

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At an informal ECOFIN meeting on 6 April hosted by the Romanian Presidency of the EU, finance ministers discussed the Multi-Annual Financial Framework, the European Growth Agenda, and the transition to a climate neutral economy by 2050, as well as ways to modernise the taxation system for the 21st century and how to step up the fight against tax avoidance. In a first, the meeting included representatives from social partners such as the European Trade Union Confederation, the European Centre of Enterprises with Public Participation, and Business Europe. Ministers also lauded the legislative success of the Capital Markets Union with agreement reached on 11 of 13 proposals. Labour mobility was a major topic of discussion. Ministers discussed how economic convergence can reduce disparities in wages and living standards across EU Member States and thus reduce the push factors which are driving migration. They also examined the role of taxation in supporting sustainable and inclusive growth, including by shifting taxes away from labour. Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the OECD, updated ministers on progress made in finding solutions to digital taxation, and ministers agreed to coordinate their positions at the next ECOFIN meeting in May ahead of the G20 meeting.