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Eurogroup reviews Greece surveillance, housing markets, Latvia draft budgetary plan and budgetary instrument for EMU deepening

Meeting on 11 March, Euro area finance ministers were briefed by the Commission on the main findings of the 2nd enhanced surveillance mission to Greece.

Eurogroup Press conference, Mr Pierre MOSCOVICI and Mr Mario CENTENO © European Union, 2019
European Union, 2019

date:  14/03/2019

See alsoGreece - 2nd enhanced surveillance repor...

Meeting on 11 March, Euro area finance ministers were briefed by the Commission on the main findings of the 2nd enhanced surveillance mission to Greece. The quarterly enhanced surveillance reports enable close monitoring of Greece’s economic, fiscal and financial situation as well as its post programme policy commitments, as agreed at the June 2018 Eurogroup. Ministers also held a thematic discussion on growth and jobs, focusing on housing markets. They based their discussion on a technical note by the Commission and an oral presentation by Professor Lars E.O. Svensson, Professor of Economics at the Stockholm School of Economics and former Deputy Governor of the Sveriges Riksbank. The Eurogroup also discussed the updated draft budgetary plan of Latvia for 2019 and issued a statement noting its agreement with the Commission opinion that the draft budget is broadly compliant with the requirements of the preventive arm of the Stability and Growth Pact. Finally, meeting in inclusive format to discuss European Monetary Union deepening, ministers exchanged views on the features of the budgetary instrument for convergence and competitiveness for the euro area, particularly expenditure related aspects.