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European Semester Winter Package: Progress achieved on more than two-thirds of Country Specific Recommendations

The Country Reports published on 27 February as part of the European Semester Winter Package assess Member States’ progress in implementing the Country-Specific Recommendations of July 2018.

date:  28/02/2019

See alsoEuropean Semester Winter Package: assess...

The Country Reports published on 27 February as part of the European Semester Winter Package assess Member States’ progress in implementing the Country-Specific Recommendations of July 2018. Overall, Member States have achieved some or more progress with the implementation of more than two-thirds of the recommendations issued since the introduction of the European Semester in 2011. Member States have made the most progress on the recommendations on financial services, reflecting the priority given to the stabilisation and soundness of the financial sector in the aftermath of the financial crisis. Sound progress has also been achieved with regard to reforms facilitating job creation on permanent contracts and addressing labour market segmentation. In recent years, one of the ways in which the Commission has helped Member States to step up their reform efforts is through its Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP). The SRSP provides technical support to all EU Member States, at their request, to help them design and implement growth-enhancing reforms. As part of the European Semester Winter Package, the Commission adopted the SRSP’s 2019 Work Programme. In 2019, the SRSP will provide technical support to 26 Member States to carry out more than 260 projects, in addition to the more than 290 projects selected in 2017 and 2018.