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Commission launches consultations on the global role of the euro

On 23 January, the Commission launched several targeted consultations to explore how to increase the international role of the euro in specific sectors: agricultural and food commodities, metals and minerals, and transport sector manufacturers in the fields of aircraft, maritime and railway transport.

date:  31/01/2019

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On 23 January, the Commission launched several targeted consultations to explore how to increase the international role of the euro in specific sectors: agricultural and food commodities, metals and minerals, and transport sector manufacturers in the fields of aircraft, maritime and railway transport. An additional consultation on foreign exchange markets was launched on 28 January and aims to assess the role of the euro in these markets, especially in comparison with other major currencies, and to determine whether trading the euro is conducted efficiently and on the basis of adequate market liquidity. A consultation on the energy sectors will follow and a workshop on the international role of the euro in the energy sector is planned for 14 February. These steps are a follow-up to the December 2018 Communication “Towards a stronger international role of the euro”, which outlined the benefits of a strengthened international role of the euro for the EU and the international financial system and proposed initiatives to boost the euro's role. The Euro Summit of December took note of this Communication and encouraged work to move forward. These consultations aim to determine where more fine-tuned initiatives can be taken. They will remain open for two months until the end of March 2019. In addition, the Commission will hold discussions on the increased international role of the euro in different public fora. The Commission will report on progress by the summer.