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Euro celebrates its 20th birthday

The euro, Europe's common currency, turned 20 on 1 January 2019 (see dedicated webpage).

EUROat20 logo © European Union, 2019
European Union, 2019

date:  17/01/2019

See alsoEuro celebrates its 20th birthday

The euro, Europe's common currency, turned 20 on 1 January 2019 (visit the new #EUROat20 website). Exactly 20 years ago, on 1 January 1999, 11 EU countries launched a common currency, the euro, and introduced a shared monetary policy under the European Central Bank. The historic moment was a milestone on a journey driven by the ambition of ensuring stability and prosperity in Europe. Today, still young, the euro is already the currency of 340 million Europeans in 19 Member States. It has brought tangible benefits to European households, businesses and governments alike: stable prices, lower transaction costs, protected savings, more transparent and competitive markets, and increased trade. Some 60 countries around the world link their currencies to the euro in one way or another, and the EU is actively working to let the euro play its full role on the international scene. Other EU Member States are expected to join the euro area once they meet the requisite criteria. To mark this anniversary, the five Presidents of the EU institutions and bodies most directly responsible for the euro, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Council, the European Central Bank and the Eurogroup, commented on the 20 years of the single currency and on its future, calling for the completion of the Economic and Monetary Union.