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Investment Plan: EIB finances waste water treatment, clean energy, mobilises EUR 600 million for small businesses in Spain

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has taken another step forward in the promotion of clean energy production in Spain.

date:  03/05/2018

See alsoEuropean Parliament Committees

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has taken another step forward in the promotion of clean energy production in Spain. The EIB signed a EUR 50 million loan on 26 April to finance a wind power project developed by the Spanish firm Forestalia Renovables. The agreement benefits from the support of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), the heart of the Investment Plan for Europe, the Juncker Plan. On 24 April, the EIB also announced financing of up to EUR 76 million for a next generation wastewater treatment plant in the Val d'Oise, the first direct EIB financing dedicated to the water sector in France under the Juncker Plan. To enable the provision of up to EUR 600 million to finance new investment projects by small Spanish businesses, the EIB has granted Spanish banking group BBVA a EUR 98 million guarantee, on a mezzanine tranche of a EUR 1.95 billion portfolio.