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Investment Plan: EU financing for redevelopment of brownfield sites, innovative Hungarian companies and green shipping

On 22 February, the European Investment Fund (EIF) and Erste Bank Hungary, signed a guarantee agreement to support EUR 67 million of loans and leases to innovative Hungarian companies.

date:  01/03/2018

See alsoInvestment Plan for Europe: the Juncker ...

On 22 February, the European Investment Fund (EIF) and Erste Bank Hungary, signed a guarantee agreement to support EUR 67 million of loans and leases to innovative Hungarian companies. The agreement was signed under the European Commission’s InnovFin initiative and is backed by the EU's research and innovation programme Horizon 2020. The agreement was made possible by the support of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), the central pillar of the EU’s Investment Plan for Europe, the so-called "Juncker Plan". Also, on 22 February, Brownfields, an innovative operator specialising in the remediation and redevelopment of brownfield sites, raised EUR 80 million from the European Investment Bank (EIB) and Caisse des Dépôts to continue its efforts to clean-up and economically revitalise urban industrial, tertiary and commercial sites. On 19 February, ING and the EIB signed an agreement to support green investments for the European shipping market for a total value of EUR 300 million. The facility is available to clients with significant European interests and can be used for projects with a green innovation element covering the construction of new vessels or retrofitting of existing vessels. It applies to both inland shipping and seagoing operators.