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Investment Plan: Juncker Plan now set to trigger more than EUR 240 billion; new EIB and EIF deals signed

The Investment Plan for Europe - the Juncker Plan - is now expected to trigger EUR 240.9 billion in investments, or just over three-quarters of the EUR 315 billion target, based on operations approved under the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) of EUR 47.4 billion.

date:  26/10/2017

See alsoInvestment Plan for Europe: the Juncker ...

The Investment Plan for Europe - the Juncker Plan - is now expected to trigger EUR 240.9 billion in investments, or just over three-quarters of the EUR 315 billion target, based on operations approved under the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) of EUR 47.4 billion. Around 461,000 SMEs in all 28 Member States are expected to benefit from improved access to finance as a result of agreements supported by the Plan. Moreover, the Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group estimate that the EFSI has so far supported 300,000 jobs across the EU, and that by 2020 that figure should be 700,000. On 19 October, the European Investment Fund (EIF) signed three new SME Initiative guarantee transactions that will facilitate access to finance for around 300 Romanian SMEs and start-ups. At the same time the EIB provided a EUR 7.5 million loan to GreenFiber International SA to finance a recycling and circular economy project. The EIB has also agreed to provide EUR 100 million to finance construction of the new Amphia Hospital in Breda, the Netherlands. As a result of a EUR 40 million loan from the EIB, Mecachrome Aeronáutica has inaugurated a new plant for manufacturing titanium parts for aircraft engines in Évora, Portugal. An agreement between Bpifrance and the EIF will provide EUR 600 million in financing for SMEs in France, on top of the EUR 800 already provided.