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EU leaders reaffirm commitment to implementing Digital Europe

At a meeting of the European Council on 19 October, EU leaders stressed that they are "ready to do what it takes for Europe to go digital", building on the conclusions of the Tallinn Digital Summit of 29 September.

date:  26/10/2017

See alsoEuropean Council, 19-20/10/2017

At a meeting of the European Council on 19 October, EU leaders stressed that they are "ready to do what it takes for Europe to go digital", building on the conclusions of the Tallinn Digital Summit of 29 September. Leaders examined how the EU can seize the opportunities and address the challenges posed by digitalisation. They agreed on a series of priorities to build a successful digital Europe, such as: bringing governments and public sectors fully into the digital age; completing the digital single market strategy by the end of 2018; building a first-rate infrastructure and communications network; adopting a common approach to cyber security; stepping up efforts to combat terrorism and online crime; and achieving an effective and fair taxation system fit for the digital era. The European Council called on the EU institutions to step up legislative work on Digital Europe, and on the Member States to implement EU legislation and take all the necessary measures to shape the new digital era. Leaders also agreed on consolidating the approach to migration, increasing cooperation on security and defence, and adopted conclusions on the state of the Brexit negotiations.