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Investment Plan: deals worth EUR 556 million signed in Sweden, France, Finland, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, and Italy

The European Investment Bank (EIB) signed a EUR 75 million loan on 10 March with real estate company Castellum, for the construction of two “Nearly zero-energy buildings” in Sweden.

date:  16/03/2017

See alsoInvestment Plan

The European Investment Bank (EIB) signed a EUR 75 million loan on 10 March with real estate company Castellum, for the construction of two “Nearly zero-energy buildings” in Sweden. The loan was made possible by support from the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), the central pillar of the European Commission's Investment Plan for Europe. The EIB also agreed on 8 March to lend up to EUR 30 million to Valio, the Finnish dairy company, for its research, development and innovation investments related to the nutrition, functionality and health impacts of dairy products. On 7 March, the EIB concluded a deal to provide EUR 110 million to finance innovative transport in the Hauts-de-France region, as well as a deal with Česká spořitelna a.s. (CSAS) to provide EUR 100 million in financing for SMEs in the Czech Republic. A EUR 200 million deal was concluded by the EIB in France on 7 March to finance the deployment of a fibre optic network based on FTTH (Fiber To The Home) technology throughout the country by 2018. Meanwhile, on 2 March the European Investment Fund (EIF) and DSK Bank signed an agreement to provide EUR 15 million in financing to innovative Bulgarian SMEs and small mid-caps under the InnovFin initiative, which is backed by the EU’s research and innovation programme Horizon 2020. In Italy, the EIF and Confidi Systema! signed an agreement to provide EUR 26 million in financing to innovative Italian SMEs and small mid-caps over the next two years. Just two years after it was launched by the Juncker Commission, EFSI is now expected to trigger more than EUR 177 billion in total investments, or well over half of the EUR 315 billion target of total investments. The Commission's proposal to extend the EFSI has made good progress and is among the Commission's top legislative priorities to ensure fast adoption.