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Commission provides additional €500 million in exceptional macro-financial assistance to Ukraine

The Commission has disbursed the third and final tranche of €500 million under the €5 billion exceptional macro-financial assistance (MFA) operation for Ukraine.

Visual with the 3rd disbursement of €500 million to Ukraine under Macto-Financial Assistance programme
European Union

date:  11/01/2023

See alsoDaily News 14 / 12 / 2022

This payment made on 14 December is part of a package of MFA measures, announced by the Commission in its communication of 18 May and approved by the European Council of 23 and 24 June 2022. With this payment, the total amount of macro-financial assistance disbursed to Ukraine since the start of the war in Russia has reached €7.2 billion. The funds were made available to Ukraine in the form of highly concessional loans, with longer maturities than under a regular MFA. In a further show of solidarity, the EU budget will cover the interest on these exceptional MFA loans, at least for the current multiannual financial framework. The disbursement follows a favourable assessment by the Commission of Ukraine's achievement of the seven structural policy measures agreed in a Memorandum of Understanding signed on 3 October. These measures aim to strengthen the country's resilience and economic stability, improve the business climate, strengthen the rule of law and governance and guarantee Ukraine's energy security. Ukraine has also successfully complied with the enhanced reporting requirements associated with this exceptional MFA.