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Building an economic governance framework fit for the challenges ahead

The European Commission adopted a Communication on 9 November that describes orientations for a reformed EU economic governance framework.

Paolo Gentiloni © European Union
European Union

date:  14/11/2022

See alsoBuilding an economic governance framewor...

Taking into account concerns regarding the current framework, the orientations aim to strengthen debt sustainability and enhance sustainable and inclusive growth through investment and reforms. They seek to ensure that the framework is simpler, more transparent and effective, with greater national ownership and better enforcement, while allowing for reform and investment and reducing high public debt ratios in a realistic, gradual and sustained manner. In this way, the reformed framework should help build the green, digital and resilient economy of the future, while ensuring the sustainability of public finances in all Member States, in line with President von der Leyen's 2022 State of the Union address. The Communication follows extensive outreach to stakeholders and Member States.