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NextGenerationEU: Commission disburses €21 billion to Italy under the Recovery and Resilience Facility

A payment of €21 billion (€10 billion in grants and €11 billion in loans, net of pre-financing) on 8 November was made possible by Italy's fulfilment of the 45 milestones and targets linked to the second instalment.

The national flag of Italian next to the European flag © European Union
European Union

date:  10/11/2022

See alsoCommission disburses €21 billion to It...

They cover key reforms in the areas of public employment, public procurement, teaching, tax administration and healthcare, as well as investments covering key policy areas such as ultra-broadband and 5G networks, research and innovation, tourism and culture, production and consumption of clean hydrogen, urban regeneration and digitalisation of schools. As with all Member States, payments under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the key instrument at the heart of NextGenerationEU, are performance-based and contingent on Italy implementing the investments and reforms outlined in its Recovery and Resilience Plan. The overall Recovery and Resilience Plan of Italy will be financed by €191.6 billion (€68.9 billion in grants and €122.6 billion in loans).