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Commission proposes stable and predictable support package for Ukraine for 2023 of up to €18 billion

Following the European Council meeting of 20-21 October 2022, the Commission has proposed an unprecedented support package for Ukraine of up to €18 billion for 2023.

Press conference by Valdis Dombrovskis and Johannes Hahn on the Commission’s plan to provide regular financial support to Ukraine  © European Union
European Union

date:  10/11/2022

See alsoCommission proposes stable and predictab...

The support announced on 9 November will come in the form of highly concessional loans, disbursed in regular instalments as of 2023. This stable, regular and predictable financial assistance – averaging €1.5 billion per month – will help cover a significant part of Ukraine's short-term funding needs for 2023, which the Ukrainian authorities and the International Monetary Fund estimate at €3 to €4 billion per month. The support put forward by the EU would need to be matched by similar efforts by other major donors in order to cover all of Ukraine's funding needs for 2023. Thanks to this package, Ukraine will be able to keep on paying wages and pensions and maintain essential public services, such as hospitals, schools, and housing for relocated people. It will also allow Ukraine to ensure macroeconomic stability, and restore critical infrastructure destroyed by Russia in its war of aggression, such as energy infrastructure, water systems, transport networks, roads and bridges. Support under the instrument will be accompanied by reforms, to further enhance the rule of law, good governance, anti-fraud and anti-corruption measures in Ukraine.