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About the Brussels Economic Forum 2017

The 17th Brussels Economic Forum focused on some of the biggest issues of the day: migration, inequality and the very future of Europe. But while the challenges remain substantial, this year’s event conveyed an air of optimism both on the podium and among delegates during the coffee breaks.

date:  02/06/2017

About the Brussels Economic Forum 2017


The 17th Brussels Economic Forum focused on some of the biggest issues of today: migration, inequality and the future of Europe.  But while the challenges remain substantial, this year’s event conveyed an air of optimism both on the podium and among delegates during the coffee breaks.

Following the introductory remarks by the European Commission’s Director-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, Marco Buti, Banque de France Governor François Villeroy  de Galhau gave the 6th Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Lecture. In his speech,  Mr Villeroy de Galhau  referred to the European Union's rare chance to reform its economic architecture, by creating a common stabilisation fund and a euro area finance minister. Keynote speeches were given by the philanthropist founder of the Open Society Foundations, George Soros,  Commission Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis and by Commissioner Pierre Moscovici, followed by three panels exploring the Forum's topical issues in detail. A thought-provoking day.

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