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20 years of the euro in your pocket

Twenty years ago, on 1 January 2002, twelve EU countries changed their national currency banknotes and coins for the euro in the largest currency changeover in history.

Illustration showing 20 years of the euro in your pocket, © European Union
European Union

date:  13/01/2022

See also20 years of the euro in your pocket

In the two decades since, the euro has contributed to the stability, competitiveness, and prosperity of European economies. Most importantly, it has improved the lives of citizens and made it easier to do business across Europe and beyond. With the euro in your pocket, saving, investing, traveling, and doing business became much easier. The euro is a symbol of EU integration and identity. Today, more than 340 million people use it across 19 EU countries, with 27.6 billion euro banknotes in circulation for a value of about €1.5 trillion. The euro is currently the second most widely used currency in the world behind the US dollar. The latest episode of Euronews’ Real Economy reflects on what the euro currency has meant for European economies and businesses two decades after its introduction. The episode focuses on Ireland’s experience and features an interview with President of the Eurogroup and Ireland’s finance minister, Paschal Donohoe.