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Competition: Commission outlines contribution of competition policy to green and digital transition, resilient Single Market

On 18 November, the Commission adopted a Communication on a competition policy fit for new challenges, which frames the important role of competition policy for Europe's path towards recovery, the green and digital transitions, and for a resilient Single Market.

Press conference by Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, on the review of competition policy on 18 November, ©European Union
European Union

date:  25/11/2021

See alsoCompetition: Commission outlines contrib...

The Communication highlights the in-built ability of competition policy to adapt to new market circumstances, policy priorities and customer needs: for example, on the same day the Communication was adopted, the Commission adopted the sixth amendment to the State aid Temporary Framework, which will enable Member States to provide targeted support to companies during the coronavirus crisis. Furthermore, the Commission is currently pursuing a review of competition policy tools to make sure all competition instruments (merger, antitrust and State aid control) remain fit for purpose, as well as complement its existing toolbox.