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Eurogroup reviews macro-economic developments and policy prospects in the euro area, including energy prices and inflation

Meeting on 8 November, the Eurogroup discussed macro-economic developments and policy prospects in the euro area.

Roundtable at the Eurogroup meeting on 8 November, ©European Union
European Union

date:  10/11/2021

See alsoEurogroup, 8 November 2021

Ministers took stock of and exchanged views on energy prices and inflation developments within the euro area ahead of the Commission’s autumn forecast. The Eurogroup also discussed policy objectives and the uses of the digital euro in the context of the fast pace of digitalisation in the global economy, as well as its impact on the euro area and the common currency. Ministers took stock of related initiatives and developments at the international level. Paschal Donohoe, President of the Eurogroup, briefed ministers on the international meetings he attended in October (G7 and World Bank and IMF annual meetings). Meeting in inclusive format, ministers listened to a Commission presentation on the relaunched economic governance review, with a focus on the euro area dimension. They discussed the process through which Eurogroup (and Eurogroup in the inclusive format for relevant items) meetings will evaluate the governance review and held an initial discussion on how the Eurogroup could address challenges to the coordination of fiscal and economic policies within the euro area, as well as to the functioning of EMU in a post-COVID economic environment. The Eurogroup was briefed by the institutions on the main results of the bi-annual monitoring report on risk reduction indicators. Ministers also took stock of the preparations for the introduction of the common backstop to the Single Resolution Fund, as agreed in November 2020.