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EU leaders reach conclusions on COVID-19, energy, trade and external relations

At a meeting of the European Council on 22 October, EU leaders reached agreement on several issues.

Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel at the European Council meeting 21 -22 October, 2021, ©European Union
European Union

date:  28/10/2021

See alsoEuropean Council conclusions on COVID-19...

Regarding the COVID-19 situation, they agreed on the need to increase vaccination rates by stepping up efforts to overcome vaccine hesitancy, including by tackling disinformation. The European Council also called for further coordination to facilitate free movement within, and travel into, the EU. Leaders also agreed that the EU’s resilience to and horizontal preparedness for crises must be strengthened; obstacles hampering the global roll-out of vaccines must be removed; and on a strong, central role of the World Health Organization in future global health governance and in concluding an international treaty on pandemics. The European Council also addressed the recent spike in energy prices and considered the impact of the price rises on citizens and businesses—especially vulnerable citizens and SMEs—striving to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Leaders also held a strategic discussion on EU trade policy. They discussed preparations for the upcoming ASEM Summit, the Eastern Partnership Summit, and COP26, and took note of preparations for the meeting of COP15 on biological diversity in Kunming.