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ECOFIN ministers review current economic situation and outlook, including recovery and resilience plans

At an informal videoconference on 16 April, EU finance ministers took stock of the current economic situation and outlook and received an update from the Commission on the implementation of the temporary framework for state aid.

date:  29/04/2021

See alsoInformal video conference of economic an...

Ministers also received an update from the Commission on the state of preparation of the recovery and resilience plans and a presentation regarding the communication on the financing of Next Generation EU. The presidency gave an update on the ratification of the own resources decision, pointing out that 17 Member States have already completed the process. The Commission briefed ministers on the implementation of the renewed action plan on the Capital Markets Union, focusing on upcoming initiatives such as the European Single Access Point, which should help investors to get easy, quick and comparable access to European company data, thereby facilitating the financing of European companies. Ministers also exchanged views on the future of the European financial architecture for development, with the participation of the presidents of the EBRD and EIB, Odile Renaud-Basso and Werner Hoyer. In other business, the presidency and the Commission debriefed ministers on the outcome of the meeting of the G20 finance ministers and central bank governors on 7 April 2021 and ministers received an update on the state of play regarding legislative procedures in the field of financial services.