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Real Economy: the race to stop Europe’s young and jobless from becoming a ‘lost generation’

The latest episode of ‘Real Economy’ on Euronews examines efforts to stop Europe’s young and jobless from becoming another ‘lost generation’.

date:  25/03/2021

See alsoThe race to stop Europe’s young and jo...

As Europe’s economy shrinks following the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic, youth unemployment is on the rise. There are now 3.1 million young people aged 15-24 unable to find a job. The number of NEETS (not in education, employment, or training) aged 15-29, which includes those not actively looking for work, is at 9.6 million. EU Commissioner for Employment and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, says that the EU is determined to prevent the same impact on young people that followed the financial crisis. To this end, the European Commission has adopted the Youth Employment Support Programme with an investment of at least 22 billion euros over the next seven years. It follows a previous investment of 22 billion euros over the past seven years to get young people into work through vocational training and apprenticeships. In addition, funding from the Recovery and Resilience Facility may help to create jobs and increase youth employment. The Youth Employment Support package (YES) financed by the European Social Fund+ and other EU funds includes a guarantee that all those who sign up will receive an offer of a job, an apprenticeship, education, or training within four months.