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Customs Union: New Action Plan to further support EU customs in their vital role of protecting EU revenues, prosperity and security

The European Commission has launched a new Customs Union Action Plan setting out a series of measures to make EU customs smarter, more innovative and more efficient over the next four years.

date:  01/10/2020

See alsoCustoms Union: New Action Plan to furthe...

The measures will strengthen the Customs Union as a cornerstone of the Single Market. They also confirm its major role in protecting EU revenues and the security, health and prosperity of EU citizens and businesses. The plan puts into practice Commission President von der Leyen’s goal of ensuring an integrated European approach to customs risk management, which supports effective controls by EU Member States. It includes initiatives in areas such as risk management, managing e-commerce, the promotion of compliance and customs authorities acting as one. EU customs have an important role to play in supporting the EU's economy and future growth. Customs need to facilitate increasing amounts of legitimate trade as quickly and seamlessly as possible, while fighting growing levels of fraud and the smuggling of illicit or unsafe goods. Customs are also playing a vital role in the EU’s recovery from the pandemic by facilitating, for example, imports of protective equipment, while weeding out counterfeit products like fake masks and counterfeit medicines at the EU's external borders.