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date:  02/07/2020

The InvestEU Programme is one of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) proposals tabled by the Commission with the aim of boosting private and public investment in the EU and facilitating access to financing. The programme will bring together under one roof investment support programmes in the Union (building on the European Fund for Strategic Investments, the EFSI, and 13 existing financial instruments under the current multiannual financial framework).

InvestEU, under the updated Commission proposal, will put aside some €34 billion of the EU budget, creating €75 billion in guarantees. This will trigger at least €1 trillion in additional investment. The InvestEU Programme consists of the InvestEU fund, which aims to trigger investment in five policy areas: sustainable infrastructure; research, innovation and digitisation; small and medium-sized businesses; social investment and skills; and strategic European investment. InvestEU will also make an important contribution to the European Green Deal Investment Plan and Just Transition Mechanism. The InvestEU advisory hub will provide technical support and assistance to help with the preparation, development, structuring and implementation of projects, including capacity building. The InvestEU portal will bring together investors and project promoters by providing an easily-accessible and user-friendly website.

The key novelty of the InvestEU Fund is that it is open to implementing partners other than the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group. 25% of the EU guarantee will be open to other international financial institutions (such as European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Council of Europe Bank, Nordic Investment Bank) and to national promotional banks and institutions (NPBIs). The aim of this direct involvement of implementing partners other than the EIB Group (the only implementing partner under the EFSI and for most of existing financial instruments) is to enhance geographical and sectoral diversification of projects supported by reaching out to a wider range of local promoters.

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