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European Council: EU leaders discuss health and economic measures being taken in response to the coronavirus outbreak

Convening by video conference on 26 March due to coronavirus precautionary measures, the 27 members of the European Council discussed further policy responses to the coronavirus outbreak.

date:  27/03/2020

See also1 EN Brussels, 26 March 2020 (OR. en) Jo...

In addition to measures on how to limit the spread of the virus and how to provide effective health and medical responses, the leaders also discussed the potential solutions to the economic fallout, in line with the work of the Eurogroup videoconference of 24 March. They reiterated that Member States need flexibility to do everything that is necessary and stressed they will do everything necessary to meet this challenge in a spirit of solidarity. They also invited the Eurogroup to present proposals within two weeks. These proposals should take into account the unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 shock affecting all our countries. The EU response will be stepped up, as necessary, with further action in an inclusive way, in light of developments, in order to deliver a comprehensive solution.