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European Semester Winter Package: Commission assesses progress with Country Specific Recommendations

The uncertain economic outlook underscores the importance of reforms to enhance potential growth. The country reports assess Member States' progress in implementing country-specific recommendations (CSRs), the tailored policy guidance the Commission provides each year.

date:  27/02/2020

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The country reports find that the implementation of the recommendations adopted in 2019 has been strong in the areas of financial services and active labour market policies. Reform implementation has remained low, however, in areas such as competition in services and ensuring the long-term sustainability of public finances. Overall, Member States have made at least some progress with the implementation of about two-thirds of the recommendations since the introduction of the European Semester in 2011. Member States are assisted in the design and implementation of reforms by the Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP). On 26 February, the Commission adopted the annual work programme of the SRSP for 2020 which will see it provide support in all 27 Member States for the first time, carrying out more than 240 reform projects.