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Investment Plan: EU invests in telecoms, renews its commitment to SMEs

The European Investment Bank (EIB) and GO p.l.c. (GO) signed a €28 million loan on 27 November to finance GO's investments in telecommunication infrastructure.

date:  05/12/2019

See alsoInvestment Plan for Europe: the Juncker ...

GO is listed on the Malta Stock Exchange and is the country's leading telecommunication services company. The EIB loan is backed by the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), the financial pillar of the Investment Plan for Europe, the Juncker Plan. The project is the first entirely located in Malta to benefit from the EFSI guarantee. The EIB announced on 27 November that it has invested up to €61 million in Alhambra SME Funding 2019-1 DAC (Alhambra 2019-1),  the first-ever securitisation of loans, originated by Be-Spoke Capital, a new direct lending platform. This newly established platform will support Spanish SMEs and mid-caps with long-term financing opportunities that complement the offer of traditional lenders. Meanwhile, the European Investment Fund (EIF) is renewing its support to European SME, under the “Private Credit Tailored for SMEs” programme, alongside other top tier institutional investors including CNP Assurances, Bpifrance and Zencap. A new €100 million commitment was signed by the EIF, CNP Assurances, Bpifrance and Zencap among others on 26 November to finance European SMEs through lending marketplace October.