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Ireland Post-Programme Mission focuses on fiscal and financial sector developments

European Commission staff, in liaison with staff from the European Central Bank, visited Dublin from 19-21 November for the twelfth post-programme mission to Ireland.

date:  05/12/2019

See alsoStaff statement following the twelfth po...

This was coordinated with an International Monetary Fund staff visit. Staff from the European Stability Mechanism participated in the meetings in the context of its Early Warning System. The mission mainly focused on fiscal and financial sector developments and the long term outlook, including persisting vulnerabilities and the assessment of risks stemming from external headwinds. It discussed, among other topics, Irish authorities’ plans to increase the resilience of public finances and improve the performance of the banking sector, with a focus on the evolution of non-performing loans and business model sustainability. Staff also discussed the implications of the growing non-bank financial sector. The surveillance report reflecting the detailed findings of this mission is due to be published in February 2020.