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Watch Brussels Economic Forum 2019 live now!

Watch Brussels Economic Forum 2019 live now!

date:  17/06/2019

The Brussels Economic Forum is starting now!  You can watch it live on the BEF webpage, EUTube (as from 09:00), ECFIN Facebook and ECFIN Twitter.

Here is a brief rundown of the BEF programme:

  • 8:00-08:45 BEF Breakfast Debate - Understanding the economic roots of the populist backlash
  • 09:15-9:45 8th Annual Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Lecture: ‘The Future of Work in Europe’ by the Nobel Prize laureate Sir Christopher Pissarides
  • 09:45-10:00 ´Broader Horizons´ –´TED-Style´ Talk by award-winning young economist Stefanie Stantcheva (Harvard University)
  • 10:30-12:00 A new global order: inward or outward looking?
  • 13:30-15:00 A new social contract for Europe?
  • 15:30-17:00 A new kind of growth for Europe?

You can also join the debate at #EUBEF19!

Enjoy the BEF!

The BEF team