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Ireland Post-Programme Surveillance mission examines key challenges, fiscal outlook, financial sector and evolution of non-performing loans

Staff from the European Commission, in liaison with staff from the European Central Bank, visited Dublin from 21-24 May for the eleventh post-programme surveillance (PPS) mission to Ireland.

date:  06/06/2019

See alsoStaff statement following the eleventh p...

Staff from the European Commission, in liaison with staff from the European Central Bank, visited Dublin from 21-24 May for the eleventh post-programme surveillance (PPS) mission to Ireland. Staff from the European Stability Mechanism also participated in the mission in the context of its Early Warning System. The mission held discussions on the key challenges facing the Irish economy and the need to build resilience amidst external risks and uncertainty regarding the sustainability of certain tax revenue. This included discussions on the fiscal situation and outlook following the publication of Ireland’s Stability Programme. Furthermore, the mission focused on the economic implications of the tight labour and housing markets, including the role of institutional investors in the rental market. The mission also discussed the overall performance of the financial sector, with a focus on bank profitability and provisioning, as well as the evolution of non-performing loans. The surveillance report reflecting the detailed findings of this mission is due to be published in September 2019. The next PPS mission will take place in the autumn of 2019.