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Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue, also in charge of Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union

“The European Semester has made a real contribution to improving the economic and social situation in Europe. Yet, some important challenges remain, and now risks to the economic outlook are growing. It is worrying to see reform momentum weakening in some countries. We call on all Member States to put new energy into making our economies more resilient and into supporting growth that is both sustainable and inclusive. Better targeted investment can make a significant contribution to achieving these objectives.”

date:  06/06/2019

“The European Semester has made a real contribution to improving the economic and social situation in Europe. Yet, some important challenges remain, and now risks to the economic outlook are growing. It is worrying to see reform momentum weakening in some countries. We call on all Member States to put new energy into making our economies more resilient and into supporting growth that is both sustainable and inclusive. Better targeted investment can make a significant contribution to achieving these objectives.”