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Strength in unity: Commission makes recommendations for the EU's next strategic agenda 2019-2024

Ahead of the meeting of EU leaders in Sibiu, Romania, on 9 May 2019, the European Commission set out policy recommendations on 30 April for how Europe can shape its future in an increasingly multipolar and uncertain world.

date:  08/05/2019

See alsoStrength in unity: Commission makes reco...

Ahead of the meeting of EU leaders in Sibiu, Romania, on 9 May 2019, the European Commission set out policy recommendations on 30 April for how Europe can shape its future in an increasingly multipolar and uncertain world. With the European Parliamentary elections approaching on 23-26 May 2019 and in view of the change of political leadership of the EU institutions that will follow, the time is ripe for new policy orientations and new priorities. Recognising that how the EU engages with Europeans to set and explain the priorities will be decisive in strengthening the Union, the Commission also made suggestions on how to better communicate collective decisions. Among these, the Commission proposed to upgrade, modernise and fully implement the Single Market in all its aspects and to deepen the Economic and Monetary Union in order to continue to foster growth and ensure sustainable prosperity. Also, the Commission stressed the need to continue to deliver on the European Pillar of Social Rights, with the aim to achieve social inclusion and equality, with a fair and modern taxation policy, as well as transitioning towards a sustainable and more resource-efficient circular economy.