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Real Economy episode examines the legal and social security rights of citizens working in another EU country

The latest episode of Real Economy on Euronews examines the legal and social security rights of workers who decide to live and work in another EU country.

date:  14/03/2019

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The latest episode of Real Economy on Euronews examines the legal and social security rights of workers who decide to live and work in another EU country. Around 17 million EU citizens live in an EU-country other than their country of citizenship, and 12.4 million of them are of working age, meaning that 4% of the EU’s working age population live in another EU country. There are four main areas of social security benefits: healthcare, maternity/paternity benefits, unemployment and pension rights. While the general rules are clear, the situation may become more complex for those who cross a border on a daily basis to go to work. Luxembourg has the highest number of cross border workers in the EU, with around 180,000 people crossing the frontier regularly for work. According to Julien Dauer, a judicial expert in cross-border mobility, when it comes to social security across Europe, the rules are well-defined and information flows easily between the different administrations, and the same evidently applies for cross-border pensions. The explosion in the number of workers over the age of 50, however, is expected to create problems for many European countries. Nonetheless, as Dr. Franz Clement, a researcher at the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, notes, the freedom of movement is “really the heart of the whole European construction."