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Investment Plan: EIB Group increases InnovFin SME guarantee to half a billion euros, invests in female entrepreneurs and energy efficient homes

On 18 May, Vivawest and the European Investment Bank (EIB) concluded a loan contract for EUR 100 million.

date:  24/05/2018

See alsoInvestment Plan for Europe: the Juncker ...

On 18 May, Vivawest and the European Investment Bank (EIB) concluded a loan contract for EUR 100 million. Vivawest will use the EU bank finance, which is backed by guarantees from the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), to build around 900 energy efficient homes in North Rhine-Westphalia. EFSI is an essential pillar of the Investment Plan for Europe – also known as the Juncker Plan. On 7 May, the EIB Group and CaixaBank signed a EUR 250 million credit line to finance innovative projects led by female entrepreneurs. The European Investment Fund (EIF) – the EIB Group subsidiary specialising in support for micro-enterprises and SMEs – will grant a EUR 125 million guarantee to CaixaBank, which the bank will supplement with an additional EUR 125m of its own resources. Meanwhile, the EIF and UniCredit signed an agreement on 7 May to increase the InnovFin SME guarantee to half a billion euros. The guarantee seeks to improve access to finance for innovative SMEs and small mid-caps in eight countries. The transaction benefits from the support of Horizon 2020, the EU's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, in addition to EFSI.