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European Semester Country Reports: Member States have achieved some progress on more than two-thirds of recommendations

As every year, the European Semester Winter Package includes Country Reports which assess Member States' progress in tackling their main economic and social challenges and in implementing past Country-Specific Recommendations (CSRs).

date:  15/03/2018

See alsoPress release

As every year, the European Semester Winter Package includes Country Reports which assess Member States' progress in tackling their main economic and social challenges and in implementing past Country-Specific Recommendations (CSRs). Looking at progress over the past several years, the Commission analysis finds that Member States have achieved at least "some progress" with regard to more than two-thirds of the recommendations. Reform implementation has been solid in some key areas, such as in financial services, fiscal policy and fiscal governance. Significant progress has also been made in addressing access to finance, in employment protection legislation and in developing frameworks for labour contracts. Policy highlights for all Member States are included in the Country Reports. As part of the package, the Commission also adopted the 2018 Work Programme for the Structural Reforms Support Programme (SRSP) that will provide support to Member States to carry out reforms, especially those prioritised in the Country-Specific Recommendations.