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EU finance ministers agree to develop new digital taxation rules

During an informal meeting in Tallinn, Estonia from 15-16 September, EU finance ministers discussed updating international tax rules for companies so that these rules could also be applied to taxing enterprises that use digital technology.

date:  28/09/2017

See alsoInformal meeting of economic and financi...

During an informal meeting in Tallinn, Estonia from 15-16 September, EU finance ministers discussed updating international tax rules for companies so that these rules could also be applied to taxing enterprises that use digital technology. The aim is to agree on new international tax rules that also take into account the business models of the digital economy. These business models differ substantially from the business models of the traditional economy, and companies often operate virtually in several countries. The new rules would guarantee the equal taxation of all companies regardless of their location or place of activity. A common solution that covers the entire EU is also important because different tax rules in Member States can create multiple taxation and lead to a belief that doing business outside of the EU is more lucrative than inside the EU. The ministers also discussed the deepening of the Economic and Monetary Union, developing the Capital Markets Union, as well as tax and customs matters.