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Euro area finance ministers explore ways to increase economic resilience in the EMU

Meeting on 15 September, Euro area finance ministers exchanged views on how to increase economic resilience in the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).

date:  28/09/2017

See alsoEurogroup, 15/09/2017

Meeting on 15 September, Euro area finance ministers exchanged views on how to increase economic resilience in the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). They identified a number of policy areas, where improvements could lead to increased economic resilience, including diversification of the economy, the flexibility of labour and product markets, taxation incentives for investment and the quality of institutions. This initial discussion will guide the Eurogroup’s more concrete thematic discussions on growth and jobs in the future. At the same meeting, finance ministers were also briefed on the state of play of Greece's ongoing economic adjustment programme. Greece’s Minister for Finance, Euclid Tsakalotos, and the institutions (the European Commission, the European Central Bank, the European Stability Mechanism and the International Monetary Fund) presented the expected timeline of the recently started third review of the programme. Greece will be required to complete some 95 actions, many of which concern the implementation of legislation that was adopted earlier during the programme.