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In the Spotlight: Sport and languages at the heart of Erasmus+ intercultural exchanges

Did you know that 9 in 10 Erasmus+ participants say that their experience has helped improve their language skills? Or that there were more than 140 sports projects funded by Erasmus+ in 2016? Language learning and sports activities are key elements in promoting intercultural exchanges in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme. Through language learning, people experience cultural nuances, while physical activity and working towards common goals are great ice breakers.

Commissioner Navracsics announces strategy to address education challenges

Tibor Navracsics, EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport has announced new focal points for tackling challenges to school education. On 30 May, the European Commission published ‘School development and excellent teaching for a great start in life’, which details 3 areas where action is needed to ensure a good education for Europe’s younger generation.

New tactics to ensure young people stay in school

Too many young Europeans, aged 18 to 24, are ‘Early School Leavers’: they either dropped out of school before completing compulsory schooling or they did not achieve an equivalent qualification to an upper secondary education. Thankfully, there are some great Erasmus+ projects that can provide you with ideas and resources to fight early school leaving. Discover them, as well as the political drive behind them.

7 projects that educate young citizens for a sustainable economy

Climate change, protection of biodiversity, development of renewable energies, and fair trade are all topics the young generations need and want to learn about. Erasmus+ projects contribute to this endeavour, providing education about environment issues and sustainable economy. This wide selection of Erasmus+ projects reflect the creativity of teachers and the engagement of many schools to educate young citizens towards a greener and more sustainable tomorrow.

Launch of the Erasmus+ Mobile App

It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for: the new Erasmus+ application is now available to download! The app allows participants to easily track their progress before, during and after their mobility; to share and vote for their preferred tips to help others integrate into the local community; and to improve their language skills.

Meet, share and shape the future of Erasmus+

A blend of Slack, Facebook and LinkedIn has been created to encourage the Erasmus+ generation and key actors to have their say about the future of Europe and Erasmus+. Unveiled last month, the Erasmus+ Generation Online Meeting Point gives young people and Erasmus+ stakeholders a space to meet, debate, propose topics, identify problems and put forward solutions to collectively shape and build the future of the programme.

In the spotlight: Supporting sustainable development in education

In line with the United Nations 2030 Sustainable development Goals, the Erasmus+ programme contributes to a greener, equitable and fair society. Ensuring that Europe can continue to grow and improve in a viable way is crucial for our future. This is why Erasmus+ supports education, training and volunteering for a sustainable economy.

How do you celebrate Erasmus+ 30 years? With 9 times more ambition!

To mark the 30th anniversary of the Erasmus Programme and to celebrate its success, a celebratory event was held in Strasbourg on June the 13th. Among debates on the future of the programme, an awards ceremony and an interactive exhibition, consensus for a larger budget was reached at the heart of the European Parliament's plenary session.

What can we do to increase solidarity in schools?

Exclusion, harassment and cyber-bullying are increasingly common, and can take many different forms. They can have devastating effects. But there’s a lot Erasmus+ projects can do to stop this abuse.

The art of teaching citizenship

Teaching citizenship can take many forms, focus on many different aspects and use a whole lot of different methodologies. To take advantage of these possibilities, Erasmus+ projects have demonstrated great creativity in developing innovative approaches. Here are a few inspiring examples.

Online applications: Erasmus+ made easier

Tired of scrolling through long, PDF-based applications? Erasmus+ applications forms are moving from an old, PDF-based format to a web format. The first pilot to be filled in fully online will be the Youth application forms. Web forms for other sectors are coming soon!

We need your Erasmus+ Top Tips!

This month, we are delighted to let you in on a little secret… The Erasmus+ app is nearly ready! While we don't want to give too much away just yet, let's just say that it is sure to enhance the mobility experience for generations to come. But before the big release date, scheduled for mid-June, we need your help…

The latest update on European Solidarity Corps

The European Solidarity Corps is starting to take shape! Around 28,000 young people have registered, hundreds of organisations have used the portal, several thousand registered young people have been contacted and dozens of placement offers have been made. After these achievements, we are excited to find out what’s next in store.

Teaching entrepreneurship in schools

Entrepreneurship is increasingly important if young people want to succeed after they leave full time education. As a result, schools are becoming more and more responsible for developing what is both a mindset and a skill. Erasmus+ projects have a part to play by making sure that educational staff are equipped with the knowledge, teaching materials and methodologies they need.

Who won this year’s eTwinning European Prizes?

We are very happy to announce that 14 eTwinning projects have been awarded the 2017 eTwinning European Prizes! The jury selected a winner and a runner-up (from three age categories), and eight special achievements from among the 591 entries. The selected projects show the incredible variety and high interest in eTwinning projects.

European Commission launches ‘Move2Learn, Learn2Move’ for eTwinners

For 30 years, the European Commission has offered opportunities for people to travel and discover Europe. This year the ‘Move2Learn, Learn2Move’ initiative is being launched so that young people engaged in e-Twinning projects can travel in Europe to meet their European "twins" or discover new countries, thanks to the 5,000 to 6,000 travel tickets up for grabs.

30 000 users join School Education Gateway!

Since its official launch on 19 October 2016, the School Education Gateway has grown by 50% in less than 6 months, with more than 30 000 registrations! Available in 23 European languages, the School Education Gateway provides a single point of entry for everyone active in the field of school education.

Registration in Participant Portal made easier

Want to sign up more than 1 person to use our services? There is now a new helpful feature in the "Participant Portal" that allows up to 10 additional users to be added. This means there will be constant access to an organisation's data even if one of the users leaves your organisation.