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Adult learning

In the Spotlight: Sport and languages at the heart of Erasmus+ intercultural exchanges

Did you know that 9 in 10 Erasmus+ participants say that their experience has helped improve their language skills? Or that there were more than 140 sports projects funded by Erasmus+ in 2016? Language learning and sports activities are key elements in promoting intercultural exchanges in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme. Through language learning, people experience cultural nuances, while physical activity and working towards common goals are great ice breakers.

Discover 8 outstanding success stories!

Every year, hundreds of projects are funded through the Erasmus+ programme, and many of them give rise to incredible experiences and outputs. We have selected 8 outstanding projects to display how valuable adult education is for participants.

Educating citizens to sustainability

An increasingly important part of adult education is educating citizens about more sustainable ways of life and raising awareness of environmental issues. Erasmus+ actively supports this effort with a wide range of projects, from testing knowledge of climate change to reducing food waste.

Launch of the Erasmus+ Mobile App

It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for: the new Erasmus+ application is now available to download! The app allows participants to easily track their progress before, during and after their mobility; to share and vote for their preferred tips to help others integrate into the local community; and to improve their language skills.

Meet, share and shape the future of Erasmus+

A blend of Slack, Facebook and LinkedIn has been created to encourage the Erasmus+ generation and key actors to have their say about the future of Europe and Erasmus+. Unveiled last month, the Erasmus+ Generation Online Meeting Point gives young people and Erasmus+ stakeholders a space to meet, debate, propose topics, identify problems and put forward solutions to collectively shape and build the future of the programme.

In the spotlight: Supporting sustainable development in education

In line with the United Nations 2030 Sustainable development Goals, the Erasmus+ programme contributes to a greener, equitable and fair society. Ensuring that Europe can continue to grow and improve in a viable way is crucial for our future. This is why Erasmus+ supports education, training and volunteering for a sustainable economy.

How do you celebrate Erasmus+ 30 years? With 9 times more ambition!

To mark the 30th anniversary of the Erasmus Programme and to celebrate its success, a celebratory event was held in Strasbourg on June the 13th. Among debates on the future of the programme, an awards ceremony and an interactive exhibition, consensus for a larger budget was reached at the heart of the European Parliament's plenary session.

What makes an active citizen?

‘Don’t ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country’. Following the advice of John F. Kennedy, many citizens around Europe are actively seeking to improve society. To support their efforts, a number of Erasmus+ projects are equipping adult learners with tools to raise awareness and be even more active and efficient.

Solidarity has no age limit

Young or old, very experienced or an avid learner; we all have something to contribute to society and to others. Erasmus+ projects know this and bring people together to share both their knowledge and form new friendships.

Online applications: Erasmus+ made easier

Tired of scrolling through long, PDF-based applications? Erasmus+ applications forms are moving from an old, PDF-based format to a web format. The first pilot to be filled in fully online will be the Youth application forms. Web forms for other sectors are coming soon!

We need your Erasmus+ Top Tips!

This month, we are delighted to let you in on a little secret… The Erasmus+ app is nearly ready! While we don't want to give too much away just yet, let's just say that it is sure to enhance the mobility experience for generations to come. But before the big release date, scheduled for mid-June, we need your help…

The latest update on European Solidarity Corps

The European Solidarity Corps is starting to take shape! Around 28,000 young people have registered, hundreds of organisations have used the portal, several thousand registered young people have been contacted and dozens of placement offers have been made. After these achievements, we are excited to find out what’s next in store.

Everybody deserves a second chance

The road to employment and a successful working life can be a bumpy one for young people. This is especially true for those who have difficulty at school or in their personal lives, and have dropped out of education or may be thinking of doing so. To support young adults and give them a second chance, Erasmus+ adult education projects are there to offer a helping hand.

Adult education: a road to entrepreneurship

There are eight key competences which every European citizen should possess. But acquiring all of these skills requires a lot of training and experience. Luckily for adults who wish to become entrepreneurs, some Erasmus+ projects have developed useful tools to support them, and identify the skills needed to become a successful entrepreneur.

How we can help vulnerable adults get a job

There are 70 million European adults who struggle with literacy, numeracy, and digital skills. Many have a job, but still almost half of them are out of work. To help these people become more employable, Erasmus+ projects are working to support them so they can acquire the basic skills they need.

Registration in Participant Portal made easier

Want to sign up more than 1 person to use our services? There is now a new helpful feature in the "Participant Portal" that allows up to 10 additional users to be added. This means there will be constant access to an organisation's data even if one of the users leaves your organisation.

Looking for inspiring Erasmus+ projects?

What is it that makes an idea fit for European funding? Check out our online platform where you can have a look at all projects that have been accepted for funding and make sure that your idea is innovative enough! The platform is updated on a daily basis and projects are shared there to inspire you and help you find new partners. Why not take a look?

First results from the 2017 Erasmus+ call for proposals

Around 30 500 applications were received by National Agencies before the closing date of 2nd February 2017 for the first round of calls for mobility of individuals. The number of participants has been significantly rising since the launch of the Erasmus+ Programme in 2014.