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Vocational education and training

Vocational education and training

Erasmus+ helps with language skills - addressing one of the barriers to free movement of citizens in Europe

European citizens can freely travel and work around Europe. However, having to learn a new language can prevent many from moving abroad. Erasmus+ opens doors for young Europeans every year, providing them a first-hand learning experience in a foreign country. Moreover, Erasmus+ makes it easier to learn the language of a fellow European country through an online linguistic support (OLS) system. Interested? Check out the tools and projects created by Erasmus+ to facilitate language learning.

Erasmus+ supports VET staff mobility, leading to quality training

Each European country has something to share with others in terms of education - a different method, attitude or insight. For teachers wanting to keep their skills fresh and up to date, a professional job-training or shadowing in another European country can be just what they need. Pick up on alternative teaching methods and implement them in your own classroom.

You too can take part in the Erasmus+ 30th anniversary campaign!

Check-out the toolkit were you will find a wide variety of resources including infographics, factsheets and videos. All are available to anyone who would like to promote the programme, organise events or debates and generally contribute to the future of the Erasmus+ programme! You can also create a direct link from your website to the Erasmus+ website by using the widget!

Commissioner Navracsics visits VET learners in Berlin

VET learners in Berlin were visited by Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Tibor Navracsics during the final months of their successful two-year Erasmus+ project. The project uses an innovative ‘biographical link’ tool and 30-day mobility experience in another European country to motivate trainees. Read more about the project and Commissioner Navracsics’ visit.

Meet the Erasmus+ VET learners

Erasmus+ VET learners are varied and many. They are participants of all fields of study from across Europe who have completed a learning period abroad since 2014. Through the programme, they gained valuable insight into different cultures and working practices, while gaining skills they can use for a lifetime. Read on to find out more about the demographics of the Erasmus+ VET learners, including which are the most popular host countries, and how students choose to spend their time abroad.

Language learning for VET learners

Did you know that the Erasmus+ call for proposals 2017 entitles even more vocational learners to benefit from the Online Linguistic Support than before? The online system facilitates language learning for Erasmus+ participants, enabling them to assess their skills in the foreign languages they will use to work, study, or volunteer abroad. After the assessment, they can sign up for an online course to improve. As of this year, VET learners going abroad for a minimum of 19 days can test and improve their linguistic skills.

Annual Report 2015: Erasmus+ brings down barriers with €2.13 billion for mobility actions

Did you know that Erasmus+ is more successful and inclusive than ever? New figures published in the Erasmus+ Annual Report 2015 show that the programme invested €2.13 billion in more than 30,000 mobility projects during 2014 and 2015. This allowed around 1.3 million participants to go abroad, 10% of whom come from disadvantaged backgrounds or have special needs. The Annual Report also covers major developments in the Erasmus+ programme to address social inclusion in Europe. For example, a focus is put on the education needs, skills recognition and development of refugees arriving in Europe. Be sure not to miss all the latest updates!

February spotlight: A programme for all

The Erasmus+ programme addresses many key concerns of young people in Europe and beyond. We have a lot to share with you this year – so stay tuned to learn more about how the programme helps to tackle these issues and contribute with your own ideas! Throughout 2017 we will explore different themes relating to key social, economic, educational and cultural developments. In February, we take a closer look at social inclusion and integration.

Don't miss the social media competition for all Erasmus+ participants!

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Erasmus, we want to hear about the highlights of your Erasmus+ experiences! Whether your time abroad helped to kick start a new career or to put in place new innovative practices, we want to hear inspiring Erasmus+ stories! To enter, simply share a photograph and a short description of your Erasmus+ experience; the best stories will win a travel voucher! More details can be found at the read more link, which can be shared with all Erasmus+ participants, past or present!

From Erasmus to Erasmus+: a story of 30 years

In 2017, we’re celebrating the 30 year story of Erasmus. The programme has enriched the lives of more than 9 million people, and following the launch of Erasmus+ in 2014, the programme reaches more people than ever before. The entire Erasmus+ community is invited to organise events to celebrate and debate on national and local levels as part of the 30th anniversary. National launch events in France, Germany, Poland and Cyprus have already taken place, with more events planned in 2017. Watch how more than 400 people kicked-off this anniversary year in Brussels on 26 January!