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Higher education

Erasmus+ shapes active citizens for an active Europe

Active citizenship is about engaging with society. From local to national or international activities, promoting active citizenship and solidarity has been at the heart of the Erasmus programme from the beginning. Erasmus+ funds strategic partnerships projects that support social engagement of higher education institutions. These activities enhance the intercultural and civic competences of students.

Erasmus+ alumni taking the initiative

Erasmus+ alumni around the world are combining their talents for social projects. Through REALISE IT, members of the Erasmus Mundus Alumni Association and the OCEANS Network create innovative projects, dealing with issues such as refugee integration. Meanwhile, Erasmus Student Network's sections across Europe work day-to-day to enrich local communities through international volunteers who learn to understand society’s problems and to work on solutions in the SocialErasmus project.

Online applications: Erasmus+ made easier

Tired of scrolling through long, PDF-based applications? Erasmus+ applications forms are moving from an old, PDF-based format to a web format. The first pilot to be filled in fully online will be the Youth application forms. Web forms for other sectors are coming soon!

We need your Erasmus+ Top Tips!

This month, we are delighted to let you in on a little secret… The Erasmus+ app is nearly ready! While we don't want to give too much away just yet, let's just say that it is sure to enhance the mobility experience for generations to come. But before the big release date, scheduled for mid-June, we need your help…

The latest update on European Solidarity Corps

The European Solidarity Corps is starting to take shape! Around 28,000 young people have registered, hundreds of organisations have used the portal, several thousand registered young people have been contacted and dozens of placement offers have been made. After these achievements, we are excited to find out what’s next in store.

Knowledge Alliances: building bridges between universities and business

Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances are innovative European projects bringing Higher Education Institutions and businesses together to work on highly relevant issues for both parties. These projects aim to strengthen Europe's capacity to innovate and to support the modernisation of Europe's higher education systems. Want to learn more or interested in applying for funding?

FIPDES – new thought for food

Culinary innovation, consumer behaviour, and packaging technology are just some of the ingredients of FIPDes, a master programme that is dedicated to training a new generation of international food professionals. Its graduates receive a holistic view of this vital sector of industry. This joint master degree equips students with the talent and vision required to create sound, sustainable and healthy food solutions for future generations. It is just one of 100 Erasmus Mundus joint master degrees funded by the Erasmus+ programme.

SOLA: entrepreneurship today to create the jobs of tomorrow

Spin-Off Lean Acceleration is ambitious – just like the students it aims to help. The project plans to "become the bridge between Europe and Latin America" that supports the modernisation of Higher Education Institutions. This inspiring project is funded by Erasmus+ as a Capacity Building project in Higher Education.

Boosting students' employability skills through Erasmus+ traineeships and work-based learning

Providing students with real-life work experience is one of the main objectives of Erasmus+. Merging theory with practice should soon become the norm for most graduates and post-graduates in Europe, especially for those disciplines where work-based learning is not commonly used. This is precisely why the Erasmus+ programme supports traineeships abroad for students and recent graduates as well as strategic partnership projects that foster cooperation between the worlds of work and education.

How can perspectives from beyond academia be explored?

Even though studying at university provides students with the skills needed to get a job, young people are often thrown in at the deep end when they enter the world of work. While they gain skills and knowledge, they are not necessarily prepared for the reality of the labour market. Erasmus+ is changing this by inviting business experts to teach at universities.

Registration in Participant Portal made easier

Want to sign up more than 1 person to use our services? There is now a new helpful feature in the "Participant Portal" that allows up to 10 additional users to be added. This means there will be constant access to an organisation's data even if one of the users leaves your organisation.

Looking for inspiring Erasmus+ projects?

What is it that makes an idea fit for European funding? Check out our online platform where you can have a look at all projects that have been accepted for funding and make sure that your idea is innovative enough! The platform is updated on a daily basis and projects are shared there to inspire you and help you find new partners. Why not take a look?

First results from the 2017 Erasmus+ call for proposals

Around 30 500 applications were received by National Agencies before the closing date of 2nd February 2017 for the first round of calls for mobility of individuals. The number of participants has been significantly rising since the launch of the Erasmus+ Programme in 2014.

In the spotlight: Jobs of tomorrow

Erasmus+ opens the door to a world of employment opportunities. Whether you find a job in a new country or sector, or build upon knowledge relevant to your field, Erasmus+ is proven to improve your prospects for a successful career. In fact, mobile higher education students are twice as likely to have a job one year after graduation compared to their non-mobile peers. Volunteering also boosts participants' chances of finding a job, as 75% of employers value such experience.

How is Erasmus+ benefiting from Mobility Tool+?

How we demonstrate the positive outcomes of student and staff mobility supported by Erasmus+ and help higher education institutions to improve the quality of mobility? How can institutions receiving Erasmus+ funding know where they stand with their projects and budgets? Mobility Tool+, a web-based support system, is the answer!

You too can take part in the Erasmus+ 30th anniversary campaign!

Check-out the toolkit were you will find a wide variety of resources including infographics, factsheets and videos. All are available to anyone who would like to promote the programme, organise events or debates and generally contribute to the future of the Erasmus+ programme! You can also create a direct link from your website to the Erasmus+ website by using the widget!