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editorial nr. 9

Going into 2021, many hoped that this would be the year we were able to move on from the pandemic and get our lives back.

But a lot of us are currently still living a lockdown life of some sort – studying or working from home with very few opportunities to travel. So we have some suggestions for you on how to visit the Council virtually at least while waiting for better times.

According to a recent survey by the European Commission, many Europeans see a COVID-19 vaccine as the way forward out of the pandemic. But like most respondents, you might also still be a bit unsure about the vaccines that are out there and how they work. So we put on our lab coats to explain how mRNA vaccines work.

We would also like to hear your views via our short poll below: where do you stand on getting the vaccine yourself? We’ll look at the results in our next edition.

date:  05/02/2021