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Laetitia Di Sciascio, Belgium

date:  30/09/2022

Laetitia is a former teacher and board game developer. Now a full-time climate activist, she is developing a card game to help people understand the carbon footprint of everyday objects. She also runs an information booth at a weekly market where she uses a mix of data, activities and books on climate change to illustrate the impact of our lifestyle choices on the climate.

“When I was at my local market, I found the best way to attract people was with a 10 question quiz printed big on coloured paper. I chose surprising questions that focussed on my country. People can’t resist the challenge and most cannot leave without the answers! If it gives people the desire to know even more about energy, climate change and ecological predicaments then it’s a huge win. I’m convinced that understanding problems helps people make better decisions to take the right action.”