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Morgan Janowicz, Poland

date:  29/07/2022

“Changes are needed to the way that food is produced and agriculture is done,” Polish Climate Pact Ambassador Morgan Janowicz said at the European Year of Youth dialogue event in April. We couldn’t agree more! Morgan represents the Green REV Institute, a climate watchdog that will host the European Vegan Summit in September to bring together scientists, activists, media and politicians who believe it is vital to transition to a plant-based diet, protect animal and human rights, and fight climate change.

Morgan thinks it’s essential to shift responsibility from consumers to decision-makers and producers: “The era of choosing the paper straw as a way to save the world is over – it is time for concrete change from the top down.”

She will be talking about sustainable diets as part of our Instagram Youth Takeover in early August. Stay tuned to the DG CLIMA account to hear more.