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Udo Engelhardt, Germany

date:  30/11/2021

As a marine ecologist with a PhD in climate-driven impacts on coral reefs, Udo Engelhardt is dedicated to sharing up-to-date information on climate science, adaptation and mitigation so that we can gather the public support needed to achieve our climate goals. During the last years, he has given climate change seminars to a wide range of groups in society, including businesses, politicians and schools.

“My first-ever COP was a unique and intense gathering with an amazing mix of people, attitudes and ambitions. The energy of the ever-present groups of concerned global citizens in Glasgow, which included people of all ages and from a wide range of professions, interest groups and ethnic backgrounds, demanding meaningful climate action, was truly remarkable.

Despite its obvious shortcomings, the COP process needs to be maintained and strengthened, as it is the only platform that brings all the nations of the world together with a focus on resolving the climate crisis. We should all continue to support these efforts in any way we can. For me, it has been a life-changing experience, giving a massive boost to my personal ambition to do everything I can to help achieve the urgent systemic changes we need to stabilise our climate.”