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Climatopolis Smart Cities

date:  29/10/2021

French company ‘Climatopolis Smart Cities’ has joined the Climate Pact by pledging to build 10 scientific and green smart cities in 5 years, train 1,000 engineers in the field of climate change and launch 600 environment-focused startups.

These cities – which will be built in European countries, including France, Spain and Italy, but also further afield in countries such as China and the USA – will use low-carbon biomaterials and renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, marine and biomass, to minimise their environmental footprint. They will also use artificial intelligence to support and control the energy generated. By 2025, Climatopolis aims to use 100% renewable energy in their business.

Is your organisation or group ready to follow in Climatopolis Smart Cities’ steps and take an organisational Climate Pact pledge? Communities, businesses, charities, schools and clubs can involve their staff, customers and other stakeholders in an organisational pledge to make a difference. Pledges can cover either reducing the amount of emissions your activity generates or other climate-friendly activities, such as using more Ecolabel goods and services in your supply chain, procurement, or when travelling.