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Agnieszka Oleksyn-Waijda, Poland

date:  29/10/2021

As Director of the Institute for Sustainable Development at Łazarski University, Warsaw, and founder of the Fashion Economy Conference, Agnieszka Oleksyn-Waijda provides factual information on the environmental impact of our day-to-day choices. She also organises events and provides guidance to businesses looking to green their operations. As a Climate Pact Ambassador, Agnieszka’s ambition is to drive forward climate action in Poland.

“The time to act is now if we want to keep global warming to 1.5˚C and avoid reaching the irreversible point in climate change. COP26 is the most important climate event – almost all leaders meet and discuss global warming and climate change. I hope they come up with not only specific goals, but also the instruments to achieve them. I want to believe that after COP26, the transition towards a more sustainable economy is possible - therefore I believe that commitments made in Glasgow could directly affect our daily lives and the vision of the green transition will turn into concrete action.”