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Romanian Ambassador reports substantial progress on the ground

‘Efforts to address climate change and related transformations in regions like Harghita County have been influenced by climate policies at both the national and European levels. The European Climate Pact has also played a role.’

Romanian Climate Pact Ambassador  Csaba Borboly  is a member of the European Committee of the Regions and President of Harghita County Council.

date:  27/02/2024

In this mountainous rural area, Csaba has pushed for change across a range of sectors and the work is paying off. 

Csaba has seen substantial progress in the development of renewable energy infrastructure and energy efficiency improvements in residential, industrial and public buildings, as well as public transport. The Harghita County Council has also joined ‘Trees for Life’, a campaign led by the European Committee of the Regions that supports the EU’s pledge to plant 3 billion trees across the EU by 2030. Last but not least, community initiatives have emerged to raise awareness about climate change and promote sustainable lifestyles.