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Lidia Martin, Spain

date:  28/04/2022

Lidia is a student by day, a writer by night and an environmentalist every waking second (her own words!) She became an EU Climate Pact Ambassador because she believes that communication is key to making sustainability attractive and accessible for everyone.   

“From my parents and friends, to strangers on the internet; if I am able to teach one person something about sustainability, and they decide to stick with a new and greener habit, then I am happy.  I will never stop advocating for the climate.

In order to reduce our level of consumption, citizens, businesses and policymakers must be involved. There won't be a shift if everyone isn’t on board. That is why I hope we see a change in legislation to promote sustainable production and consumption practices, coupled, of course, with a change in consumer behaviour, which will probably be the hardest part.”