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Tomas Kasemets, Sweden

date:  12/07/2021

Tomas Kasemets is a Swedish Climate Pact Ambassador, who was inspired to take action by watching his two young children play – and deciding that he needed to do more to give them a future. Tomas believes two things need to change to bring about the necessary change: political courage to treat the crisis as a crisis, and a change of focus from what we can do as individuals, to what we can do together.

“I hope that the Pact can connect the grassroots of the climate movement with top EU politicians and help them to take the necessary actions to tackle the crisis and avoid running us into a climate catastrophe. To motivate people to take action who are not already active, I think we need to help politicians communicate honestly about the insufficiency of current measures and invite everyone to take part in a joint effort to tackle the change.”