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Future modelling developments to look out for

date:  09/10/2019

  • Integration of industrial ecology and IAM, especially on the demand side (See
  • A new project on energy poverty and electrification in the DRC based on a high resolution geo-spatial model (See
  • Soft-linking IAMs with macro models to better understand implications of the transitions to distributions and on indicators of financial stability (JPI Axis Project CHIPS and H2020 project NAVIGATE)
  • Improved modelling of the future development of supply and demand side measures that can alleviate decarbonization bottlenecks. This will allow formulating more granular visions of carbon neutral societies and their possible configurations. (H2020 project NAVIGATE)
  • Modelling economic impacts of extreme events (JPI Axis Project SLICE) and better integrating climate impact and mitigation pathway modelling (H2020 project NAVIGATE)
  • Modelling multi-objective sustainable development pathways taking up the UN 2030 SDG agenda (JPI Axis Project SHAPE)
  • Viability / Feasibility assessment of mitigation pathways (H2020 project ENGAGE, will be an important topic in the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
  • Upcoming work and activities from the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC) Scientific Group on Scenarios for Climate-related Financial Analysis.
  • A white paper on the interaction between climate change and the financial sector will follow the conference (unpublished yet).